EE-571 トイレでの戦い ⸺ 女の子が大変な顔をする
FF-571 女の子のトイレの秘策 ⸺ おしりのリラックス術
FSpec-571 モチとウンコの日記:女性の排泄の日常を描く
Feminine Urge: Understanding And Managing Urinary Frequency - Miss Medea Mortelle, Mistress Gaia
Girls Let Loose: The Pooping Revelation - Alicetop
Muses Muck: The Inspiring Insight Into Intestines - Alexa, Jessica
DLJG-280 おしりの勉強 ౼ 女の子のピーの裏話
Dropping The Euphemisms: Women And Their Bowel Movements
Stools Sentimental Journey: Understanding The Emotional Aspects Of Female Digestion
Porcelain Princess Diaries: Real Talk About Women And Shit