Natural Release: Real Girls, Real Peeing Moments - Poo Alexa, Jessica Valentino
Pee-Rfect Posture: How Squatting Can Improve Womens Health - Alexa, Jessica Valentino
Aristocratic Anal Ejection: A Noblewomans Guide To The Bowl - Alexa, Jessica Valentino
Poop Paradigm Shift: Girls Leading The Way To Acceptance
Mistresss Muck: The Untold Tale Of Toilet Time - Alexa, Jessica
Queens Quiet Time: The Royal Ritual Of Relief - Alexa, Jessica
Bowel Movement Manifesto: Empowering Women One Dump At A Time
Dump Dilettante: A Connoisseurs Perspective On Pooping - Alexa, Jessica
Dames Dump: A Noble Narrative Of Necessary Nonsense - Alexa, Jessica
Gals Gut Dump: The Silent Symphony Of Stools - Alexa, Jessica