Shushed Subject: Womens Pooping In Public Spaces
ODV-396 女の子のおしりで大阪の冒険 ‒ おしりの日常をサポート!
Dung Dialogues: Breaking Bread And Breaking Silence On Female Excretion
Breaking The Silence: Womens Stories Of Passing Stool
Dung Dialogues: Breaking The Silence On Womens Shit - Gia Derza, Jesse Pony
Toilet Talk: Breaking The Silence On Womens Shit
Turd Taboo: Breaking The Silence On Womens Shit
Breaking The Silence: A Closer Look At Womens Shit
Flushed Away: Breaking Silence On Womens Shit
Crap Conversations: Breaking The Silence On Womens Shit Matters