Genteel Girls Guide To Gastrointestinal Garnish: Adding A Touch Of Class To Your Crap - MissMortelle
Feminine Touch: How Women Are Redefining The Bathroom Experience - Scarlett
Womans Touch: Personalizing The Defecation Experience - Smutty Luce
Feminine Flair For Feces: Making Peace With The Porcelain God - Asiansteppe
Dainty Dump: Pooping With Feminine Flair - Ivy Lopez
Overture Of The Opaque Output: Feminine Flair - Scarlett
Dung Diva: A Celebration Of Feminine Fecal Flair
Feminine Touch: How Women Personalize The Act Of Defecation - BetweenMyCheeks
Feminine Touch: How Women Approach Hygiene Post-Defecation
Feminine Touch: Designing The Perfect Womens Restroom - TinyToni