Hush-Hush Happenings: The Girls Poop Protocol
Hush-Hush Happenings: Female Pooping Realities - Misty Phoenix
Hush-Hush Happenings: When Ladies Let Loose
Hush-Hush Habits: Understanding Womens Restroom Rituals
Fecal Finesse: The Delicate Art Of Ladylike Dumping - Ebony Ella
Loos Leap: How Modern Girls Embrace Their Toilet Tribulations - Ebony Princess
Real Deal: Women, Shitand Wellness - Ebony Princess
Feminine Flush: A Treatise On Tasteful Toilet Trips - Ebony Princess
XRW-805 私の日常!女の子のおしっこと大便の裏話
Defecation Demystified: Separating Fact From Fiction For Girls - UniElla