Excretory Expressions: Articulating The Art Of The Female Dump
Excretory Expressions: Articulating The Art Of Going In Public
Pee-Rless Experience: Transforming The Toilet For Women - Maria Anjel
Defecation Diversity: Cultural Perspectives On Girls And Bowel Movements - Maria Anjel
Whispers In The Stall: The Intimate Truths Of Female Excretion - Maria Anjel
Drip, Drop, Splash: A Sonic Journey Through Girls Peeing And Pooping - Maria Anjel
Unspoken Truth: Girls And Their Poo Stories - Maria Anjel
Toilet Tribute: Honoring The Daily Deeds Of Girls Who Poop - Maria Anjel
Poop Paradox: How Girls Are Reconciling Delicacy With The Reality Of Relief - Maria Anjel
Poop Prodigies: Girls Leading The Charge In Bathroom Revolution - Maria Anjel